Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Meaghan's not so bad blood

Today I had a great appointment. My numbers were:

White: 2.8
Hematocrit: 31.2
Platelets: 116

Look at me!! That is over twice the hematocrit I had when I first went to the hospital, and almost 13 times as many platelets! My doctors are thrilled with how my numbers are progressing so I have started to taper my cyclosporine. I will taper over the entire year and continue to check my counts every month to make sure everything is still going in the right direction.

Once upon a time we all just hoped I would stop needing transfusions and would have been happy to go through life with 25 platelets, but at this point my doctors think there is a great chance that all of my numbers could return to normal at some point. Of course I'm still nervous about the possibility of a relapse and that possibility will never really go away, but things couldn't get much better right now so I'm very thankful.